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Categories of Coaching

Coaching Sessions:

Betrayal Trauma

Full Disclosures (Partner's guide)

Relational Recovery (couples)


Post-betrayal Dating

Separation & Divorce

Gaslighting Abuse


Drumming Improv Sessions (no experience required)

​Life Coaching


Greiving the loss of an emotional support animal

Self Esteem

Life Transitions

Goal Setting/Self-care

Feeling "stuck" in Life


Inner Child


Uses the Inner child recovery healing process as a way to address needs that haven’t been met as a child. It is not uncommon for the person with problematic sexual behavior (PSB) to process past trauma with a therapist/clinician. Once/during client has completed work with a clinician, we will use Dr. Eddie Capparucci's approach in supporting you move forward. The use of literature and assignments have proven to help the person with PSB move forward with empathy, connection, and more understanding on the betrayal trauma the spouse is experiencing.

Additional Categories

Stephanie is available for all life coaching as well as comfortable supporting additional betrayal trauma categories. She is a zealous supporter of betrayal trauma & sex addiction awareness. Having gone through these experiences first-hand, she's able to offer true understanding and validation. Her goal is to ensure her clients are comfortable sharing whatever they need in order to work on their healing.

  • Fetishes:

In these cases, the sex addict is also incorporating a fetish with their acting out behaviors. This looks like an intense curiosity, interest and acting out with specific objects, body part or activity for sexual gratification. 


  • Post-betrayal Dating:

This is a great option for women who have dealt with betrayal in their past relationships. This is coaching for women looking to date again, but with boundaries and plans in place! Stephanie’s original content helps bring awareness to what her clients have faced, and a reminder of their resilience! Her workbook is a great resource used in correspondence to her coaching sessions. 


  • Loss of a pet

If you have lost your pet or emotional support animal (ESA), then you may have found it hard to feel validated. This type of disenfranchised grief doesn’t allow bereavement from work. No funeral or memorial is planned and most just do not get it! For many of us, our pets supported us through our betrayal trauma journey and other difficult life moments. Our beloved pets were there as a physical non-judgmental best friend.

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